· The Season of Creation is a month-long observance, approved by our Bishops’ Conference that calls us to PRAY and CARE for God's creation.
· It is a time to reflect on our relationship with the environment — not just "distant" nature, but crucially, the place where we live — and the ways in which our lifestyles and decisions, on a personal and community level, can endanger both the natural world and those inhabiting it, both humans and other creatures.
· Just months after publishing his 2015 encyclical "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home," Pope Francis formally added the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation to the Catholic calendar as an annual day of prayer. And in 2019, he officially invited Catholics to celebrate the full season which runs from 01 September until 04 October when we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology.
· The Season of Creation “is the time to rediscover our vocation as children of God, brothers and sisters, and stewards of creation. Now is the time to repent, to be converted and to return to our roots," Pope Francis wrote in a letter. "We are beloved creatures of God, who in his goodness calls us to love life and live it in communion with the rest of creation”. During this time Pope Francis is encouraging us to “pray, reflect and take action.” (Pope Francis – World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2019)
· Lastly, by linking the Season of Creation constantly to Laudato Si’, we are hoping that interest in the document will be cultivated and people might be curious enough to read it for themselves.
• Online Daily Mass (Daily TV Mass, Bryanston Catholic Church).
• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.
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• Blessed Sacrament’s Sunday Mass will be LIVE on Saturday evening and also recorded.
• Online Mass Booking Form