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The cross triumphant? How can this be?”

Good morning.

Today we celebrate the feast of the Triumph of the Cross. This feast commemorates the building of the basilica over the site on Calvary where Jesus was crucified. Sadly, this basilica was destroyed by the Persians in the 7th century. Subsequently, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built on the site by the crusaders in 1149.

One might suggest that the title of the feast “Triumph of the Cross” is an oxymoron since it seems to contradict itself. But this is not so. There are those who say that Catholics should remove the corpus from the crucifix since it is a symbol of death or defeat. This is a very simplistic view. The body of Christ, and the cross itself, demonstrates not only the suffering that Christ experienced for us but, more significantly, the victory that this act has over death. This is a TRIUMPH!!

The concept of walking around with a symbol of death or defeat around your neck would perhaps suggest that some serious counselling is needed. However, as a reminder that Christ has conquered death and offers us the opportunity of sharing in his eternal life can only be something in which we can rejoice. Alleluia!

Just a reminder before I go to please register for your weekday and weekend Mass as soon as possible. It was wonderful to see the Blessed Sacrament Masses almost fully subscribed this weekend. Hopefully the Star of the Sea will start filling up too. If you can’t get into a weekend Mass, you are reminded that attendance at a weekday Mass is acceptable during the pandemic. There may be a delay in putting up the booking sheets this morning so please be patient. The booking link is at the bottom of this page.

Have a wonderful and joyful day.

God bless and stay well. Dc Mike & the team.



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