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Sunday Bulletin - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Cycle C


Mass times and intentions 15 to 21 January 2022

Blessed Sacrament

Saturday 17h30

Shirley, Brian and John RIP.

L.C. Martin RIP.

Sunday 09h00

Special intentions of Cruz and Maria.

Johonney Maistry RIP.

Manuel Farinha RIP.

Sunday 17h15

Special intention of Danièle Guimbeau.

Tony de Freitas RIP.

Monday 17h30

For the parishioners’ intentions.

Tuesday 17h30

Special Intentions of Jermaine Chettair

Special intentions of Danièle Guimbeau.

Wednesday 08h30

Gerard Lagane RIP.

Thursday 08h30

Lorenzo Angela RIP

Friday 17h30

Ermelinda Raffaele RIP.

Star of the Sea

Sunday 07h00

Gerard Lagane RIP.

Wednesday 17h30

Michael Power and Henry Howlett RIP

Friday 09h00

Special intentions of Kim

Special intentions of Collin Deeb.

Marriages: An appointment with parish clergy should be made 6 months prior to the marriage. Couples must be registered & active members of the Parish for at least 6 months prior. All couples planning to marry should contact the Engaged Encounter team on prior to meeting with Father James.

Funerals: Please contact the parish clergy first before any arrangements are made with the undertaker.

Baptisms: 10h30 Sunday – by appointment only.

Confessions: By appointment or at16h00 to 17h00 Saturdays at Blessed Sacrament

or at 09h30 1st Friday of the month at Star of the Sea.

Retrouvaille is for marriages that are hurting. "Retrouvaille of Durban is hosting its first program of 2022, starting on Friday, January 28. To register, please contact Peter and Maire on 0828 500 500 or 074 134 7335 or send an email to"

Adoration Chapel: at the Blessed Sacrament is open, other than Mass times, from Monday to Friday 08h00 – 16h00. Compliance with Covid protocols is ESSENTIAL.


THANKS FROM FR. DERRICK To Fr. James, Dc. Mike and all parishioners for all the prayers and support during his stay in hospital and recovery. God bless you all.

CATECHISM: Lessons will resume for Grades 1 – 4 next week at 4pm on Wednesday 26 January at Star of the Sea and on Thursday 27 January at Virginia. Existing parents will receive their registration forms via e-mail this week. New parents are requested to contact Dc Mike on 0823715547 or so that they can be added to the database for registration. Please note that children wishing to receive First Holy Communion are required to attend all lessons from Grade 1 through to Grade 4.

LIFETEEN begins a new catechetical year starting the 30 January 2022 and runs to Sunday the 13 March 2022. We encourage all young people to join and be part of this fun, enthusiastic, loving group of young people as they journey together towards Christ. You may register and pay online via the church website for Lifeteen 2022 . If you have registered previously we ask that you kindly await details for registration via your Lifeteen WhatsApp groups .

Important date to take note of:

23 January 2022 – Parents’ Evening: We encourage all parents to please attend this evening which will be after the 5:15pm Mass, to cover all important information for this coming year, as well as to find out more about our catechetical programme.

LIFETEEN CORE MEMBERS NEEDED Lifeteen is a wonderful way to serve our community and the Church by using your gifts and talents. There are many ways you can contribute to this ministry. We need extra hands to help us set up fun and creative decor nights each week, social media handling, creating fun catechism nights with the rest of the team and, most importantly, creating a safe space for our young people to enjoy themselves as we lead them closer to Christ. We hope you will join our team.

Please contact Tess if you are interested :

URGENT! Catechism teachers are needed for the start of the school year. Training and material will be provided. Ladies (or gents) whose children have finished school and want to refine their grandparenting skills are ideal for this – but all enthusiastic adults are encouraged to make themselves available. Please contact Dc. Mike 0823715547 as soon as possible.

PARISH COLLECTION: In addition to the weekly collection contributions may also be made by EFT to the Parish of the Blessed Sacrament, First National Bank, account no: 50844547792, branch code 22 14 26. These details, as well as the ZAPPER CODE, are available at the bottom of all Growing Faith posts.


We stand before You, Holy Spirit,

as we gather together in Your name.

With You alone to guide us,

make Yourself at home in our hearts;

Teach us the way we must go

and how we are to pursue it.

We are weak and sinful;

do not let us promote disorder.

Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path

nor partiality influence our actions.

Let us find in You our unity

so that we may journey together to eternal life

and not stray from the way of truth

and what is right.

All this we ask of You,

who are at work in every place and time,

in the communion of the Father and the Son,

forever and ever.



• Online Daily Mass (Daily TV Mass, Bryanston Catholic Church).

• Blessed Sacrament’s Sunday Mass will be shared on YouTube and via this link.

• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.

• Parish Banking Details

Online Mass Booking Form


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2 Newport Avenue, Virginia, Durban, South Africa
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