Let us begin: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, You, who have given us Your precious Body and Blood to be our food and drink, grant that through frequent reception of You in the Holy Eucharist, I may be strengthened in mind and body to do Your holy will. Amen.
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.) (Genesis 14:18)
The spirituality of every priest is ‘intrinsically eucharistic’. “The seeds of this spirituality are already found in the words spoken by the Bishop during the Ordination Liturgy: ‘Receive the oblation of the holy people to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord's Cross.’” (The Roman Pontifical, Rites of Ordination of a Bishop, of Priests and of Deacons, Ordination of a Priest, No. 163.)
“In order to give an ever-greater eucharistic form to his existence, the priest, beginning with his years in the seminary, should make his spiritual life his highest priority.” (Cf. John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis 19-33; 70-81) The priest is called “to seek God tirelessly, while remaining attuned to the concerns of his brothers and sisters”.
An intense spiritual life will enable him to enter more deeply into communion with the Lord and to let himself be possessed by God's love, bearing witness to that love at all times, even the darkest and most difficult”. (Pastores Dabo Vobis 38)
This recommendation is consistent with the objectively infinite value of every celebration of the Eucharist, and is motivated by the Mass's unique spiritual fruitfulness. If celebrated in a faith-filled and attentive way, Mass is formative in the deepest sense of the word, since it fosters the priest's configuration to Christ and strengthens him in his vocation.
Jesus in union with the offering of Yourself to the Father in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, I ask for this special favour.
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O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Pray one Our Father... one Hail Mary and one Glory Be, for the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Let us pray: O Jesus, since You have left us a remembrance of Your Passion in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, grant us, we pray, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood that we may always enjoy the fruits of Your Redemption, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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