Divine Mercy Sunday, 2022. Divine Office Week II
Good day everyone.
It was wonderful to see so many of you at the various celebrations over Easter. Hopefully this is an opportunity for a new beginning, when we can begin to rebuild physically and spiritually from the turmoil that we have lived in over the past weeks, months and years. Let us stay together in prayer.
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. It is a time when we ponder the mercy that Christ shows us and the challenge that is issued with the words, "Peace be with you."
As usual, I encourage you to log on to some of the useful YouTube links provided below, especially the Kids Media readings for younger families. Also, the Vatican site is a wonderful source of material:
• Online Daily Mass. Click here: Daily TV Mass.
• Catholic Kids Media YouTube Link: watch now.
God bless.
Dc Mike & the team.
• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.
• Parish Banking Details