3rd Sunday of Easter, Cycle C 2022. Divine Office Week III
Good day everyone.
I mentioned on Thursday that I will be away during May and so will not be publishing this material until my return in the first week of June. I do encourage you, however, to make use of the links below should you want material. The Kids Media is available on YouTube every week.
In the meantime, I have provided links to audio versions of the daily Rosary. These will only be sent out once since they are repeated. Please click on the day/Mystery that is applicable. Also, please don't be intimidated -one decade takes only about 3 mins and an entire Mystery approximately 20mins. Mary has asked us to pray for peace and, possibly more than ever, we should welcome the opportunity to do so throughout his month.
Stay safe and we will chat again in June.
• Online Daily Mass. Click here: Daily TV Mass.
• Catholic Kids Media YouTube Link: watch now.
God bless.
Dc Mike & the team.
• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.
• Parish Banking Details