Thursday 14 January

How can I help?
We have had a number of appeals recently from people who are trying to make a difference. The following are contacts and details of some of the projects:
1. URGENT!! The children’s home at Montebello, which is supported by the CWL, burnt down on Wednesday night. All the children are safe but they have lost everything else. If you can help in any way, especially with clothing and essentials, please contact Lorella Fernandes 0837994229.
2. From Amy Vernes who received the sacrament of Confirmation at Blessed Sacrament a couple of years ago and is now out of school and has joined a company called Nuskin:
“I have become involved in an initiative called “Feed The Children” that helps to distribute VitaMeals to undernourished children living in famine.
A person can purchase a Vitameal bag for only R192. This single bag can feed a Malawian child for a whole month! A group of people can even split the cost of one bag to minimise the price they would have to pay.
This is a really good cause and I am trying to spread the word as much as possible, because even with the difficulties of the past year I am still grateful for my privilege whereas others in famine stricken areas could not say the same. I want to help them to have a chance at a better future and so have donated a bag myself and will continue to do so on a monthly basis.”
Please contact Amy on 0730160894 if you would like to get involved.
3. A parishioner was at the Hyper by the Sea on Sunday and discovered a book stall being run in the foyer in aid of the Denis Hurley Centre. This is the feedback from the organisers:
We have a team of 15 men and women book vendors, all of whom at one time or another have lived rough on the streets and have no formal employment. They sell donated second-hand books at venues around Durban. Typically, we used to sell at arts, cultural and community events and church services. Over lockdown, we are looking at selling more at retail outlets and public spaces.
We are constantly on the look out for GOOD books – ideally current novels, children’s books, Christian literature, self help / motivational and good cook-books. (Please no old, broken, dated and non-viable books!). Books can be dropped off at St John Ambulance and Eye Care in Old Fort Road / 128 KE Masinga Rd on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings 8 til 10am. Please don’t drop the books with the vendors directly.
More importantly though, we are on the look out for places for our guys to sell – that is our singularly biggest challenge over lockdown at present. So, if you have (or know of) a suitable place with sufficient foot traffic and could accommodate a vendor that would be marvellous – we would need space for a table and chair, and overnight storage of books. Shops are great – you may know Richard and Khanyi who sell at the Hyper by the Sea. Similar opportunities like that would be incredibly helpful. The closer to town the better – as we have no access to transport so rely on public transport and taxis.
Feel free to get hold of me:
Illa Thompson
Personal: 083 326 3234 /
St Lit: 065 142 5226 /
God bless, stay at home and stay safe.
Dc Mike & the team.
• Online Daily Mass (Daily TV Mass, Bryanston Catholic Church).
• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.
• Parish Banking Details