Ascension of the Lord– Year A
May 20/21, 2023.
Proper Psalter
Parish of the Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Church,
2 Newport Avenue, Virginia.
Star of the Sea Church,
13 Park Drive, uMhlanga Rocks.
Phone:031 564 7587
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 08h00 - 16h00
Website: www.blessedsacrament.co.za
Parish Clergy:
Parish priest: Fr. James Ralston O.M.I. fr.james@blessedsacrament.co.za
Assistant: Fr. Derrick Butt O.M.I. fr.derrick@blessedsacrament.co.za
Deacons: Dc. Mike O’Neill formation@blessedsacrament.co.za
Dc. Noel Pistorius (retired)
Mass times:
Blessed Sacrament:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday - 17h30
Wednesday & Thursday - 08h30
Saturday - 17h30
Sunday - 09h00 & 17h15
Public holidays - 08h30
Star of the Sea:
Wednesday - 17h30
Friday - 09h00
Sunday - 07h00
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Blessed Sacrament: Saturday - 16h00 - 17h00
Star of the Sea: First Friday of the month after Mass
Mass times and intentions May20 to 26, 2023.
Blessed Sacrament
17h30 For the repose of the souls of Angela, of Lorenzo and of Felicité Duke.
Special intention of Cruz.
For the repose of the souls of Johnny and Logie Maistry, Andrew and Mary Naidoo, Maria Araujo, Domingos de Sousa Neto, Georgette Sham and Ranjeni Marimuthu.
In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour for prayers answered.
For the repose of the souls of Raffaele and Ermelinda.
Monday: St Rita of Cascia
(Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68:2-7; John 16:29-33.)
17h30 For the repose of the souls of Maria and Coualtina.
(Acts 20:17-27; Psalm 68:10-11.20-21; John 17:1-11.)
17h30 For the repose of the souls of deceased Oblates.
Wednesday: Our Lady, Help of Christians
(Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68:29-30.33-36; John 17:11-19.)
08h30 For the repose of the souls of Vic and Win Shoobert.
Thursday: St Bede the Venerable, St Gregory VII, St Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi.
(Acts 22:30. 23:6-11; Psalm 16:1-2.5.7-11; John 17:20-26.)
08h30 For the repose of the souls of Armando and Alberto de Freitas.
Friday: St Philip Neri.
(Acts 25:13-21; Psalm 103:1-2.11-12.19-20; John 21:15-19.)
17h30 Special intention of Maria Celeste de Freitas.
For the repose of the soul of Claude Rivalland.
Star of the Sea
07h00 Special intention of Mario Serraiocco.
Wednesday: Our Lady, Help of Christians
(Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68:29-30.33-36; John 17:11-19.)
17h30 For the repose of the souls of Michael Power and Henry Howlett.
Friday: St Philip Neri.
(Acts 25:13-21; Psalm 103:1-2.11-12.19-20; John 21:15-19.)
Special intention of Kim.
For the repose of the soul of Ken Moldenhauer.
Information & Notices
Flower Festival celebrating Ascension and Pentecost at All SaintsBallito. From 09h30 to 16h30, this Sunday 21. Tickets R60.00 each, tea and eats will be served. Contact Vaughn 083 510 8792.
A sincere “thank you” to everyone who contributed in any way whatsoever to the raising of funds for the Episcopal Ordination of Msgr. Elias Zondi. A special thanks to those who helped with the preparation of the goods for the raffle and the sale of the tickets. The total amount raised through the second collections and the raffle was R27,301.94. The winners of the raffle were Annette Atherstone and Margaret Harrison. Congratulations to both of you.
The Blessed Sacrament email is malfunctioning. Please use virginia@aod.org.za or
Please note the Zapper Code on the notice boards for your additional contribution to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Parish collection: In addition to the weekly collection, contributions may also be made by EFT to The Parish of the Blessed Sacrament, First National Bank, account no: 50844547792, branch code 221426. These details, as well as the Zapper code, are available via the link at the bottom of this post.
Marriages: An appointment with parish clergy should be made 6 months prior to the marriage. Couples must be registered & active members of the Parish for at least 6 months prior. All couples planning to marry should contact the Engaged Encounter team on dbnbookings@engagedencounter.co.za prior to meeting with Father James.
Funerals: Please contact the parish clergy first before any arrangements are made with the undertaker.
Baptisms: 10h30 Sunday – by appointment only.
Retrouvaille is for marriages that are hurting. Please contact DurbanRegistration@helpourmarriage.org or visit the web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.com
• Todays Bible reading and reflection from the Vatican.
• Parish Banking Details
• Online Daily Mass (Daily TV Mass). N.B. This does not fulfil Sunday obligation.
• Catechism in a Year by Fr Mike Schmitz: (Watch Now)