Newsletter for Week 19 Cycle A
Good morning!
Firstly, I trust that I have your understanding for moving the newsletter this week. Even deacons need a break every now and then! I hope that you enjoyed your long weekend, especially all the women in our lives.
We have some interesting news items for you, so let’s get to it:
Permission to resume Baptisms and Weddings
We have been given permission to resume Baptisms and Weddings, but with some restrictions.
There may not be more than 30 people present, including the celebrant, and all social distancing and sanitisation regulations apply. Also, no social gathering is allowed before or after the celebration.
This may result in some strange photos for the photo album – but it is a start.
The Virginia First Holy Communion class had its first Zoom lesson last week
Until now, they have been receiving their material via email. It was great to see the kids again and amazing to note how much they have grown in such a short time.
They continue with their preparation so that they are ready for the sacrament when it becomes available.
All parents are reminded that Catechism lessons are still required, even during these times, and that failure to attend regularly will impact on the child’s eligibility to receive the sacraments.
Mass Attendance
Please be aware that all parishioners should be attending Mass online if it is available to them.
This is very important in maintaining spiritual development and a community identity.
We publish this weekly including activities for children:
Redemptorist Pastoral Publications
Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, which supplies the Catholic Link material to parishes every weekend, is also feeling the impact of churches being closed at this time. We have received a letter from them and include an extract for your edification:
“Redemptorist Publications is now at the point of running out of its financial reserves. If this happens, at best we may be able to provide a limited service until parishes open again, at worst we may have to close. However, given the messages of gratitude we are still receiving from individual readers, and the ongoing – albeit reduced – contributions from some parishes, we feel we must make every effort to survive. Our suggestion is that parishes pay for our online service at a nominal 20% of their normal subscription for the printed Link. Apart from the Catholic Link, over the years RPP has proven to be a popular resource for inspirational books and pamphlets. Please alert your parishioners to our website, for online purchases.
Finally, our director, Father Larry Kaufmann, has continued his ministry of the Word by posting 3-minute audio messages for encouragement during the pandemic. These can be found on our Facebook page. He has also hosted Zoom discussions on the contents of our books which have proven to be popular. Further such “webinars” will be advertised by email and on RPP’s website and Facebook page.”
I am sure that you appreciate the value of this service but the money has to come from somewhere and, without Mass, there is no collection.
We therefore renew our appeal to make your usual financial contribution to the parish via electronic payment.
Click here to access the parish banking details.
Please keep the news coming in. It was good to hear of the success of Biddy Adami’s operation and we remember her, and all the sick, in our prayers.
Keep well everyone. They keep telling us that the peak of the pandemic is still on the way so please, please be very careful and stay at home as much as possible.
God bless. Dc Mike and the team.