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A message from Dc Mike

Good morning!

A few important nuts and bolts issues which needed special mention:


Blessed Sacrament, Virginia


Tuesday 23 March 18h30-20h00

Saturdays 16h00-17h00 (not Holy Saturday)

Palm Sunday Masses:

Saturday 17h30

Sunday 09h00 and 17h15

Easter Masses & Services:

Holy Thursday 1 April 18h30

Good Friday 2 April: Stations of the Cross 10h00

Passion of the Lord: 14h00 and 16h30

Holy Saturday 3 April: Vigil Mass 18h30

Easter Sunday 4 April: Day of the Resurrection - 09h00

(No evening Mass)

Monday 5 April: 08h30

Star of the Sea, uMhlanga Rocks

Palm Sunday Mass:

Sunday 07h00

Easter Masses & Services:

Holy Thursday 1 April 18h30

Good Friday 2 April: Stations of the Cross 10h00

Passion of the Lord: 15h00

Holy Saturday 3 April: Vigil Mass 18h30

Easter Sunday 4 April: Day of the Resurrection - 07h00 and 09h00

2. Rite of Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

We often have couples preparing for marriage or Baptisms of their children where one spouse is Catholic and the other expresses an interest in becoming one. The RCIA is the exciting and stimulating opportunity that the church provides for this. It also caters for those who may have missed out on one or more of the sacraments for some reason in their lifetime.

In spite of the restrictions of Lockdown, Fr James has managed to arrange a new course which will begin on Wednesday 7 April at 19h00 and will run until Easter 2022. We strongly urge anyone who could benefit from this to register by contacting Fr James on 031 5647587 as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing a whole crowd of enthusiastic participants!

3. Please help

Some time ago we put out an appeal in response to Amy Vernes’s request for help with the “Feed the Children” project in Malawi. We thank those who responded so generously to the appeal. Nevertheless, these projects don’t go away and she is asking for similar assistance again. As Amy says,

“I feel like we can make such a difference in those children’s lives who desperately need help because their parents may be struggling to source income during this pandemic.

I have joined this organization that “Vitameals”. It is a package that is nutritionally balanced and is given to underprivileged children. Just one pack can feed a child for a whole month!!

The cost of one is R192.”

If you are able to help, please give Amy a call on 0730160894.

Thanks very much everyone. Have an amazing day!

God Bless.

Dc Mike


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2 Newport Avenue, Virginia, Durban, South Africa
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